### Download data wget ftp://.../ ### Convert from sra to fastq fastq-dump.2.3.2 ### Create fasta index for IGV visualisation samtools faidx ### Align ### create index bowtie-build $organism".fasta" index/$organism; !!! if you use a color index please see details on http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/manual.shtml ### align reads bowtie -S | samtools view -bS -o (the above line joins the alignment and bam file creation commands) !!! pay attention to read trimming ( you can use homerTools to do the trimming) !!! see bowtie site for the color index ### Compute read counts igvtools count -w 1 --postExtFactor 1 --strands read <.chrom.sizes file> ### Compute read counts igvtools count -w 1 --postExtFactor 1 --strands read <.chrom.sizes file> ### Run Parseq_pmcmc !!! before you start using Parseq make sure that you installed the GSL library !!! to run Parseq you need to have in a folder the fasta, chrom.sizes and counts files.We'll give an example for the Sacharomyces cerevisiae . >> In a folder named "cerevisiae" create a subfolder named "counts". >> Copy in this subfolder the "cerevisiae.fasta", "counts.wig" file (obtained using igvtools) and "cerevisiae.chrom.sizes" files. >> Then you can execute Parseq_pmcmc Parseq_pmcmc !!! Example: data_folder="/home/xxx/cerevisiae/"; results_folder="/home/xxx/cerevisiae/results"; org="cerevisiae"; parseq_parameters_folder="/home/parseq/"; Parseq_pmcmc fast $org + genome $data_folder $results_folder $parseq_parameters_folder This command will execute Parseq on the "+" chromosome using the "/home/xxx/cerevisiae/counts/counts.wig" counts file, "/home/xxx/cerevisiae/counts/cerevisiae.chrom.sizes" and "/home/xxx/cerevisiae/counts/cerevisiae.fasta" fasta file. Parseq_pmcmc works in two steps: 1) It will compute read count distribution parameters and will create: 1.1) a parameter file "Parameters_initial" in the "/home/xxx/cerevisiae/counts/" folder 1.2) ORF regions file sfor each chromosome 1.3) 2) An output folder "/home/xxx/cerevisiae/results" where results will be written: 2.1) Particles were each line represents a transcription profile sample; 2.2) Particles_struct - each line is a local bias profile sample 2.3) Breakpoints - each line is a breakpoints profile sample From these samples you can compute the expected transcription profile and estimate the transcrition boundaries: ### Run Parseq_particle2proba Parseq_particle2proba [score penalty] !!! Example: Parseq_particle2proba 0.1 cerevisiae "+" genome $data_folder $results_folder Parseq_particle2proba will produce: 1) Expression level estimation 2) Transcription probability profile 3) Breakpoints estimates.