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Modeling protein evolution

Monday, January 30, 2012 - 00:00
Olivier Gascuel
Campus Jussieu place Jussieu 75005 Paris Métro Jussieu Amphithéâtre 45A - tour 45 4
Méthodes et Algorithmes pour la Bio-informatique LIRMM - CNRS

I’ll describe our recent efforts to model protein evolution and amino-acid substitutions by (1) designing an easy to use pipeline to estimate amino-acid replacement matrices for specific protein groups, (2) using the knowledge of the protein structure, when available, (3) simplifying mixture models that have been proposed so far.


Dang C. C.., Lefort V., Le V. S., Le Q. S., Gascuel O. “ReplacementMatrix: a Web Server for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Amino Acid Replacement Rate Matrices", Bioinformatics, 2011 [Epub ahead of print].

LE S.Q., GASCUEL O. “Accounting for Solvent Accessibility and Secondary Structure in Protein Phylogenetics is Clearly Beneficial”, Systematic Biology, 59:277-87, 2010.

Le SQ., Lartillot N., Gascuel O. “Phylogenetic mixture models for proteins”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - Biological Science B, 363(1512): 3965-3976, 2008.

Le SQ., Gascuel O. “An improved general amino acid replacement matrix”. Molecular Biology and Evolution 25(7):1307-20, 2008.

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