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Genetic Networks


Structure, dynamics and evolution of genetic networks

We study the functioning and the evolution of genetic networks that control gene expression in yeast. More precisely, we use transcriptomic approaches to understand the response of the genome expression to toxic environmental conditions in different yeast species. We also use gene expression imaging techniques to get real-time, quantitative information on the functioning of these networks. These global and quantitative data are then used to set up in silico models of the structure, the dynamics and the evolution of our favorite networks.

In addition to this project, we analyse the post-transcriptional networks involved in mitochondria biogenesis. About 99% of the mRNA encoding mitochondrial proteins are encoded by the nucleus. Half of them are localized and translated close to the mitochondria. We have identified several sub-classes of mitochondria-localized RNA (MLR) depending on the RNA binding proteins that recognized them. Our current project aim at eciphering spatio-temporal control allowing the biogenesis of mitochondria.  

Selected Publications
Mota S, Vieira N, Barbosa S, Delaveau T, Torchet C, Le Saux A, Garcia M, Pereira A, Lemoine S, Coulpier F, Darzacq X, Benard L, Casal M, Devaux F, Paiva S. Role of the DHH1 gene in the regulation of monocarboxylic acids transporters expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS One. 9(11), pp.e111589 (2014).
Bretes H, Rouviere JO, Leger T, Oeffinger M, Devaux F, Doye V, Palancade B. Sumoylation of the THO complex regulates the biogenesis of a subset of mRNPs. Nucleic Acids Res. 42(8), pp.5043-58 (2014).
Merhej J, Frigo A, Le Crom S, Camadro J-M, Devaux F, Lelandais G. bPeaks: a bioinformatics tool to detect transcription factor binding sites from ChIPseq data in yeasts and other organisms with small genomes. Yeast. 31, pp.375–391 (2014).
Hanein S, Garcia M, Fares-Taie L, Serre V, De Keyzer Y, Delaveau T, Perrault I, Delphin N, Gerber S, Schmitt A, Masse J-M, Munnich A, Kaplan J, Devaux F, Rozet J-M. TMEM126A is a mitochondrial located mRNA (MLR) protein of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1830(6), pp.3719-33 (2013).
Mouaikel J, Causse SZ, Rougemaille M, Daubenton-Carafa Y, Blugeon C, Lemoine S, Devaux F, Darzacq X, Libri D. High-frequency promoter firing links THO complex function to heavy chromatin formation. Cell Rep. 5(4), pp.1082-94 (2013).
Dhamgaye S, Bernard M, Lelandais G, Sismeiro O, Lemoine S, Coppée J-Y, Le Crom S, Prasad R, Devaux F. RNA sequencing revealed novel actors of the acquisition of drug resistance in Candida albicans. BMC Genomics. 13, pp.396 (2012).
Dhamgaye S, Devaux F, Manoharlal R, Vandeputte P, Shah AHaseeb, Singh A, Blugeon C, Sanglard D, Prasad R. In vitro effect of malachite green on Candida albicans involves multiple pathways and transcriptional regulators UPC2 and STP2. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 56(1), pp.495-506 (2012).
Uhlendorf J, Miermont A, Delaveau T, Charvin G, Fages F, Bottani S, Batt G, Hersen P. Long-term model predictive control of gene expression at the population and single-cell levels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(35), pp.14271-6 (2012).
Lelandais G, Goudot C, Devaux F. The evolution of gene expression regulatory networks in yeasts. C R Biol. 334(8-9), pp.655-61 (2011).

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