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Statistical Genomics and Biological Physics

July 20, 2016

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MetaSUB Paris : Cartographier la Diversité Microbienne du Métro Parisien. An article by Marie Pinhas (UPMC) in french to explain the involvement of the lab in the MetaSUB project. 

July 11-16, 2016

Martin Weigt co-organizes the conference "Statistical physics methods in biology and computer science", a satellite of StatPhys2016, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, July 11-16, 2016. It will cover recent progress on the use of methods from statistical mechanics of disordered systems for high dimensional problems related to biology and computer science. Organizers: Simona Cocco, Florent Krzakala, Remi Monasson, Guilhem Semerjian, Martin Weigt, Lenka Zdeborova. 

July 8, 2016

We published a new generation domain annotation approach, demonstrating that "multi-source" domain modelling is more appropriate than "mono-source" domain modelling for capturing remote homology. We re-annotate the Plasmodium falciparum genome.

To the Software

April 17-23, 2016

Martin Weigt organizes the workshop "Coevolution in proteins and RNA, theory and experiments" in Cargèse, Corsica

March 1, 2016

A.E. Fortunato, M. Jaubert, J.P. Bouly, M. Thaler and A. Falciatore from the Diatom Functional Genomics team in collaboration with J.S. Bernardes (Statistical Genomics and Biological Physics), A. Carbone (Analytical Genomics) and other international collaborators published on The Plant Cell the paperDiatom Phytochromes Reveal the Existence of Far-Red-Light-Based Sensing in the Ocean.”  Full text paper.

Plant Cell Editor’s comment on this work.

June 1, 2013

The project COEVSTAT (co-PI Martin Weigt, Statistical Genomics and Biological Physics team) has been selected for funding by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

April 1, 2013

A PhD scholarship has been allocated by the Institut des Systèmes Complexes to the Statistical Genomics and Biological Physics team (co-direction with R. Monasson, LPTENS)

January 30, 2013

The Direct Coupling Analysis - - website is online now! It offers information on DCA and downloadable software. A DCA webservice will follow soon.


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